New Flame

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Del Lloyds List

PROSECUTORS in Gibraltar investigating the New Flame casualty have dropped a charge of endangering shipping that they initially brought against the ship’s Greek captain, writes Brian Reyes in Gibraltar.

Konstantinos Dimitriou, 43, was arrested in the immediate aftermath of a collision between the New Flame and the tanker Torm Gertrud.

In Gibraltar’s Magistrate’s Court yesterday Capt Dimitriou pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of failing to notify the port of his departure. He was fined £500 ($987).

His lawyer, Guy Stagnetto, told the court that the master’s failure to notify departure was unrelated to the collision.

The incident occurred off Europa Point in the early hours of August 11 last year.

At the time the New Flame was sailing from the Rock, while the Torm Gertrud was sailing into the port of Algeciras.

The tanker sustained minor damage but the New Flame foundered and sank one mile off the southern tip of the Rock.

Titan Salvage is currently making preparations to remove the wreck.

Todos esos momentos se perderán en el tiempo como lágrimas en la lluvia…

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