Campaña del Paris MOU – GMDSS –

Mientras que los de las botas de caña se dedican a fotografiar a los que corren y los jueces a ejemplarizar con los que atropellan y se dan a la fuga. El Paris MOU va a concentrar sus inspecciones en el uso del GMDSS y de las Estaciones Radio, más de uno, echará de menos al entrañable radiotelegrafista para que acompañe a los visitantes y les enseñe los papeles.

Some examples (as applicable) of the 15 items that will be inspected during the CIC on GMDSS include:
– Is the fitted equipment complying with the Record of Equipment?
– Are MMSI and other radio/EPIRB codes programmed and conform the ship’s documents?
– Are ship’s operators able to use the GMDSS equipment?
– Is the SART capable of transmitting signals?
– Is the required GMDSS INMARSAT installation capable of transmitting and receiving distress and safety alerts and distress and safety traffic?
– Is the condition of the radio reserve source of energy (including charger unit) satisfactory?

In case deficiencies are found in the GMDSS area on board, the PSCO will have “clear grounds for a more detailed inspection” and additional items in the GMDSS (and other areas) could be subject to verification.


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