Informe forense

Sobre el aboradaje, Jose Luis nos pasa el informe forense 😉

London, Mar 9 ? Following received from Beijing MRCC timed 1010, UTC: C.c. MSC Christina (37579 gt, built 1998) and bulk Hua Ling (16022 gt, built 1976) were in collision in lat 3412N, long 122 38E, at 1100, UTC, Mar 8 and both vessels are still locked together. (Note ? MSC Christina sailed Hong Kong Mar 6.) London, Mar 9 ? Following received from Larnaca RCC, timed 1555, UTC: C.c. MSC Christina and bulk Hua Ling are still locked together. Understood the intention is for the two vessels to be towed, still locked together, to Qingdao tomorrow. London, Mar 10 ? Following received from Larnaca RCC, timed 1034, UTC: C.c. MSC Christina and bulk Hua Ling are still locked together and are being towed to either Lianyungang or She Yang He Kou, depending on the weather. The vessels are expected to reach port around Mar 12, after which they will be separated and Hua Ling will be beached.

MSC CHRISTINA (Cyprus) London, Mar 13 — Following received from Beijing MRCC, timed 0715, UTC: C.c. MSC Christina in collision with bulk Hua Ling: The aft section of Hua Ling sank Mar 11. London, Mar 15 — Following received from Larnaca RCC, timed 0805, UTC: C.c. MSC Christina is now at Ningbo for inspection and repairs.

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