MAIB – Recommendations 2006

Informe anual, 144 recomendaciones realizadas el pasado año; 2 de ellas a multiples compañias, 3 a la espera de que la naviera compre un nuevo barco 🙂 y de las 139 restantes, 103 ya han sido implementadas, otras 30 han sido recibidas y aceptadas, y sólo 6 han sido rechazadas totalmente (3) o parcialmente (3).

Una de las rechazadas es la recomendación a la gerencia del CP Valor, aquel containero que venía para Valencia, creo recordar, pero se perdió en las Azores. Siempre es mejor echar la culpa al pobre diablo que estaba de guardia

Rejected – – CP Valor

Recommendation to Split Ship Management
Revise its management controls to ensure verification of the effectiveness of its bridge management procedures.

Split Ship Management Response
Correspondence received from the managers suggests they do not agree with the conclusions reached by MAIB in its report. They state:
“the report does not actually highlight any deficiencies in the audit process and perhaps this is the crucial issue at the centre of our protest – if we can indeed be shown by MAIB a specific area of the auditing process which failed and could be revised, then of course Split Ship Management would make the necessary revisions”.

MAIB Comment
Despite a face-to-face briefing and extensive exchanges of correspondence with the company’s senior management, Split Ship Management seem unwilling to accept the principle behind this recommendation. This accident resulted from a failure to implement company bridge management procedures. It is a pity that the company does not recognise the need to better ensure that its safety instructions are complied with.

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