Dos alumnos

“TWO cadets per ship is the minimum intake required to sustain the supply of human resources in the maritime industry and perhaps, the only way to prevent future shortages is to make two cadets, a mandatory requirement in the manning scales for ships!” That at least is the view of Anglo-Eastern Ship Management’s Quality Assurance & Training director Pradeep Chawla.

Owners/mangers with small fleets hardly have the choice of ‘selecting’ good quality officers. They have to take whoever is available, and on the conditions demanded by the seafarer

He said: “The answer from the manning offices, Mumbai, Manila, Shanghai, Odessa, Gdansk, Riga, Constanza or Vladivostok is the same – ‘Cannot find officers’.”

Por cuatro euros es dificil encontrar oficiciales que sepan un poco más que usar el GPS, más si las compañias son o arrastran la fama de haber sido cutres. Tiene que haber un cambio sustancial en las condiciones para que merezca la pena navegar para muchos europeos, si pagan poco y las condiciones siguen empeorando, ¡que esperan encontrar!

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