Los llanitos han tenido que analizarlo, ya que sin laboratorios, calidades, certificados, labels y sellos varios, nadie se atreve a decir lo que es o pueda ser, en fin, como para el Gas Free, que los del barco dicen, pero si no pagan el papel de un pollo de tierra será o no será.
Al hilo del Grace 1, detenido por los ingleses en la colonia por saltarse las sanciones de Europa a Iran, las posibles represalias han hecho que ahora tengan que dar protección al petrolero ingles Pacific Voyager en el Golfo por si acaso.
Nota de prensa de lo del crudo
Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar can now confirm, after having received the results of comprehensive laboratory testing, that the Very Large Crude Carrier, the Grace 1, which was detained in the early hours of Thursday morning, is loaded to capacity with crude oil.
The results of these tests conclusively prove and confirm the information disseminated last week by the Gibraltar Government and contradict the statements of some commentators from outside the jurisdiction who had speculated that the cargo on the vessel was not crude.